Posted by Unknown ~ vendredi 18 juillet 2014

                                                    DRUGS SERIOUS SOCIO PEST

The harmful effects of the drug are many and varied and hard scientifically that drug abuse harms the safety body addict and his mind ... and that person is the abuser of drugs is a burden and a danger to himself and to his family and his community and morality, production and security and the interests of the state and society as a whole., But it risks seriously also in effect on the entity State political .. We recall here the damage physical, psychological, social and political.

* Physical damage

Loss of appetite leading to thinness and emaciation and general weakness accompanied by yellowish face or Asodadeh with the abuser also cause a lack of vigor and vitality and a weak resistance to the disease, which leads to dizziness and chronic headaches accompanied by redness in the eyes, occurs imbalance in the balance and synergy nervous in the ears.

2 - drug abuse happens local irritation of the mucous membranes and bronchial tubes as a result of the carbonaceous material and the deposition where the bronchial tubes resulting in chronic lung infections may be up to tuberculosis infection.

3 - substance abuse disorder occurs in the digestive tract, which results in poor digestion and frequent gas and bloating and feeling of fullness and satiety, which usually end up in the special cases of diarrhea when eating opium, and constipation.

As well as causing chronic gastritis and stomach are unable to do its job and digest food as cause inflammation of the pancreas and the stoppage of work in the digestion of food and provide the body with the hormone insulin, which regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

4 - Tlifa damage the liver, where the drug analyzes (eg, opium) liver cells occurs by fibrosis and an increase in blood sugar, which causes inflammation and enlargement of the liver and stop work because of the toxins that the liver fails to rid the body of them.

5 - inflammation of the brain and destroy the erosion of millions of nerve cells that are the brain, leading to memory loss and hallucinations auditory, visual and intellectual.

6 - disorders of the heart, and heart disease Holi, angina, high blood pressure, and the explosion of the arteries, causing severe anemia break red blood cells, and lack of nutrition, bone marrow toxicity, which puts the red blood cells.

7 - the impact on sexual activity, as it reduces sexual ability and decrease the sexual glands secretions.

8 - diffuse swelling, and larvae and the flow of blood and high blood pressure in the hepatic artery.

9 - epileptic seizures injury due to the exclusion of the property;, after eight days of exclusion.

10 - causing birth defects in newborns.

11 - Madmannan health problems among pregnant women, such as anemia, heart disease, diabetes and inflammation of the lungs, liver, spontaneous abortion, and an inverted position of the fetus, which generates a minus growth, if this did not die in the womb of the mother.

12 - The drugs are the leading cause of injury in the most dangerous diseases such as cancer.

13 - overdose of drugs and excessive may be per se (suicide).

* Psychological damage

Drug abuse happens in turbulent perceptual year, especially when it comes to senses of hearing and sight, where myth in general perceptions, in addition to the imbalance in the perception of time direction Nhon slow and dysfunctional perception distances tending to the length and size imbalance or perception about inflation.

2 - drug use leads to an imbalance in the general thinking and difficult and slow him, and thus leads to the corruption of judgment and the things that happen with some or even many of the antics in addition to delirium and hallucinations.

3 - the impact of drug abuse leads to psychological effects such as anxiety and constant tension and a sense of instability and a sense of Balanaqbad and landing with a neurological unit in mood and self-neglect of appearance and inability to work or continue with it.

4 - spoke drug imbalance in the equilibrium which occurs turn some cramps and difficulties in pronunciation and expression of what is going on in the mind of the addict as well as difficulty walking.

5 - happens drug use disorder in conscience, where turning the addict on the status of fun and ecstasy and a sense of satisfaction and comfort (after drug use) This is followed by weakness in the level of mental and that the conflict of ideas has it after dealing feel happy and ecstatic and live in an atmosphere of imagination and a lack of presence and increase vigor and vitality but soon changed the feeling of happiness and euphoria to regret and the reality of a painful and chill and fatigue accompanied by lethargy and depression.

6 - causing drug in the incidence of neural excess severe allergic reactions and permanent emotional tension which necessarily result in an impaired ability to adapt and social adjustment


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